Non-native invasive species are strictly excluded.
Únicas excepciones: 5 eucaliptus globulus “amnistiados” en una pequeña
parcela, dado que su extracción causaría daños mayores en otras
plantas vasculares; 10 mimosas existentes al inicio del proyecto
mantenidas en acuerdo con las normas definidas por la Xunta de
Galicia (plantación controlada).
All species foreign to the Atlantic moderate biotope or similar are excluded.
Both plants and seeds are exclusively European.
Priority is given to Galician nurseries, avoiding non-EU imports to ensure traceability and reduce pest risks.
The use of insecticides, herbicides and toxic substances is be strictly avoided.
Organic fertiliser
Pruning work is restricted to the bare minimum.
Pruning is only allowed for sanitary actions. Pinching of certain species is accepted.
We preserve traditional construction techniques and materials.
In particular: "dry stone", local "chantos", old slate, small water dams, etc.
Trail signs and plant labelling is made with local materials (granite stone and Galician slate).
Progressive decarbonisation of the Arboretum until we can achieve energy autonomy based on renewable resources.